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Terri Kunda - Gao Hong & Kadialy Kouyate

March 24th, 2023 sees the release of Terri Kunda – an exciting collaborative album from musical virtuosos Gao Hong and Kadialy Kouyate. One could consider Terri Kunda to be a truly unique album. For it contains the rare yet captivating combination of possibly two of world music’s most mesmerising instruments: the Chinese pipa, and the West African kora. Infused within these stringed instruments are the histories and traditions of their respective cultures, and they share these stories through musical conversations skilfully conducted by the artists.

Lin Shicheng and Gao Hong - Hunting Eagles Catching Swans

Hunting Eagles Catching Swans is a historical, honorary album of one of the greatest pipa masters of all time: Lin Shicheng. Lin is often referred to as the Ravi Shankar of the pipa, first for his unprecedented skill on the instrument and second for his years of profound contribution to the artform in teaching many of the prominent pipa players in the world today.